Evaluation of IBON/CPDE
BetterAid (BA) and Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness (OF) were two platforms in the realm of development effectiveness. They moved the policy discourse from aid effectiveness to development effectiveness in 2011. These two platforms merged in 2012 to form the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) an open platform that unites civil society organisations (CSOs) from around the world to continue the CSO campaign for effective development. Sida has since 2007 provided support to BetterAid and Open Forum through the Filipino based CSO IBON as an agreement partner. When CPDE was created and Sida decided to fund it, IBON continued to be Sida’s agreement partner. IBON coordinates with CPDE’s policy engagements, production of policy evidence and administering grants for outreach and capacity development activities. IBON also joins CPDE in coming up with policy products and analysis on global policy discourses. Sida has been a donor to IBON/CPDE since 2013 and Sida’s contribution has amounted to roughly 50% of their total financing since 2014.IBON/CPDE is the largest platform for development effectiveness within the area of international development cooperation. The overall objective of the current support is to promote the universal application of Effective Development Cooperation (EDC) for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).
As per the project agreement between Sida and IBON/CPDE, a results evaluation is to be carried out during the implementation period. Besides the evaluation being an agreement requirement, the ongoing support is approaching its finalization and it is highly important that Sida gets a broad picture of progress that has been made within the organization since the evaluations from 2018 and 2019 respectively.
The evaluation served as important input to Sida’s dialogue with IBON/CPDE on continuation of support past the current agreement period. The objective of this evaluation was to evaluate the relevance, effectiveness and impact of IBON/CPDE’s Sida-funded programme and analyze to what extent it is a relevant actor that has the capacity to reach results. The evaluation will inform the discussions on whether or not the organization shall receive continued funding.