References | Global

Innovations Against Poverty (IAP)


Market Development, Natural Resource Management, Environment and Climate Change, Fund Management, Agriculture, Employment, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

Together with PricewaterhouseCoopers (lead), ORGUT was contracted by Sida to implement the 3-year programme Innovation Against Poverty (IAP) in the area of Business for Development (B4D), with the purpose of stimulating the private sector to develop products, services and business models that can contribute to fighting poverty and climate change. The objective was to serve as a catalyst and stimulate development that otherwise would not have taken place within the private sector due to perceived initial commercial risk or limited market opportunities, leaving behind products, services and market systems that benefit people living in poverty.

Companies could apply for financial support at different stages of the innovation path, as well as for advisory support, for innovative business ideas within Inclusive Business (IB), defined as profitable core business activity that also explicitly expands opportunities for the poor and disadvantaged in developing countries. Such business models can engage the poor as employees, suppliers, distributors or customers.

Another objective of the IAP programme was to provide a learning and knowledge exchange opportunity for companies, donors and others interested in Inclusive Business.