References | Africa, south of Sahara

SPP Inception Period 1B

Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda

Good Governance and Public Administration, Training Programmes, Justice/Rule of Law, Public Administration Reform

Start date

End date

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has awarded a framework agreement to FCG Sweden/Crown Agents for the planning and implementation of a global capacity development programme to support increased deployment of sustainable public procurement (SPP) practices in Sida’s partner countries.

The framework is initially for a period of four years from April 2021 to April 2025 and is expected to cover the following countries, with sequential launch of each programme:

1.       Africa regional programme

a.       Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambique

b.       Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda

2.       Latin America

a.       Guatemala, Bolivia and Colombia


3.       Eastern Europe

a.       Ukraine, Georgia and Moldavia

4.       Asia

a.       Cambodia and Bangladesh

The overall objective of the programme is for SPP to be used as a strategic tool for sustainable development and the achievement of Agenda 2030. The programme is expected to focus on providing hands-on support and mentorship to reform processes linked to SPP, making use of the following working methods:

·       professional training to increase the practical knowledge of the partner organisations of tools and methods to implement and build commitment to SPP

·       change process, mentorship and technical support customised and contextualised for hands-on support to partner organisations and their implementation of change processes linked to SPP practices

·       peer-to-peer learning as a means to support exchanges of experiences of SPP

·       outreach and partnership to foster a broad commitment for an increased deployment of SPP practices and to explore cooperation with different procurement initiatives and platforms.

The design of the programme, including the reform processes supported and working methods used, is expected to differ between the countries and participating organisations engaged in the programme. For each regional programme, a three-month inception phase will be used to assess needs and propose the strategic change processes, participating organisations, working methods and implementation arrangements for the subsequent regional programme.