Karin Billing

Karin Billing
Karin Billing
Senior Project Manager/ Consultant NRM

Karin is a Senior Consultant and Project Manager, with a focus on Market Development and Fund Management. She has more than 20 years’ working experience in international development cooperation, since 2001 in consultancies such as Environmental Resources Management (ERM) and WSP International Sweden, and previously as staff of i.a. Sida, UNDP Ecuador and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden.

In her role as consultant Karin has the last 15 years managed and implemented shorter assignments and long term development projects and programs for clients including Sida, Danida, MFA of Finland, and Swedish NGOs, companies and public entities, implemented in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe.

Assignments cover a wide range of areas, including private sector development, M4P, socioeconomic and poverty assessment, environment, CSR, microfinance, institutional strengthening, evaluations, aid effectiveness and general goal fulfillment. During recent years, a focus area has been fund management, including as financial assistance advisor and Team Leader (a.i.) for the Sida-financed challenge fund Innovations Against Poverty.

As project manager of a large number of projects, Karin is very experienced in providing administrative, financial and technical backstopping, results based management and quality assurance.

Karin holds an M.Sc. in International Economics and Business Administration from the Stockholm School of Economics, incl. development issues and environmental economics.