Advisory Services to the Directorate of Water Resources Management and the Ministry of Water and Environment
The Joint Water Supply and Sanitation Programme Support (JWSSPS) 2010-2013 was financed by several development partners namely Austria, African Development Bank, European Union, Denmark and Germany and the Government of Uganda. It had four funding modalities namely Sector Budget Support (SBS), basket (Joint Partnership Fund), Technical Assistance and Programme monitoring.
ORGUT provided two Technical Advisors to JWSSPS: an International Financial Management Advisor to the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) and an International Advisor to the Directorate of Water Resources Management. The Financial Management Advisor supported the continued alignment of donor support through increased development of MWE’s financial management capacity in respect of planning, budgeting, budget execution, business plan development, procurement, reporting and follow-up on the annual audit as well as special audits, (value for money etc) as appropriate. The Advisor to the Directorate of Water Resources Management (DWRM) supported DWRM to realise its mission of sustainable and integrated management of water resources of Uganda and supported DWRM to (i) effectively and efficiently plan, organise, direct and control all the human and financial resources (from Government of Uganda and various donors, including the JWSSPS) made available to the Directorate, (ii) carry out the overall purpose of the Directorate through its various managed activities and outputs, while contributing to safeguarding the principles of alignment, harmonisation, accountability and transparency.