AEMD call-off: Assignment to identify potential strategic partnerships eligible for funding under the Sida strategy for capacity development, partnership and methods that support the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development (KAPAME)
Sida implements the “Strategy for capacity development, partnerships and methods that support the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development” (KAPAME) during 2018–2022. Within the scope of KAPAME, Sida contributes to capacity development, collaboration and partnerships, and the development of innovative methods and forms of working within development cooperation. KAPAME, as well as Sida’s overall work, is founded on the principles of aid and development effectiveness, as well as the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Paris Agreement on climate change.
KAPAME has four goal areas: (1) Capacity development, (2) Collaboration and partnerships, (3) Innovative methods of working for development cooperation and (4) A broad Swedish resource base.
The unit for Strategic partnerships, innovation, private sector collaboration and new methods (SPINN) in the Sida Department of Partnership and Innovation contracted FCG Sweden to carry out a desk study to identify partnerships with high potential for sustainable results that are eligible för Sida financing under the KAPAME strategy.
1) The desk study is to be used by SPINN with the end aim of entering into financial agreements with existing and/or new partners. The desk study will hence look into both existing and new partnerships.
2) Eligibility criteria for selecting partners/partnerships will be based on KAPAME goal areas 2 and 3, while goal area 1 and 4 can also be considered. In addition, the following are key aspects for the criteria: ability to achieve substantial results, scalability, innovation, leveraging additional financing, private sector cooperation, and system approach. Sida will present more precise criteria upon inception of this assignment, which will then be further developed by the Consultant and approved by Sida.