Appraisal of the Expanded Food Security Programme Document
The Ministry of Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS) in Zambia has requested the Norwegian Embassy for financial and technical support to re-design the Food Security Pack Programme (FSP) into the Expanded Food Security Pack (EFSP).
The overall objective of the EFSP will be ‘to contribute to poverty reduction by empowering vulnerable but viable small scale farmers to be self-sustaining through improved crop and alternative livelihood productivity and household food security.
The specific objectives of the EFSP will include:
- To increase food security at household level by adopting sustainable, productive and climate-resilient agronomic practices
- To increase income earning capacities among low capacity households through the sale of agricultural related products and services; and,
- To enhance private and public service provision systems that will ensure continued support to the target households after the direct resource transfer has ended.
The purpose of the appraisal is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed programme and suggest potential changes to the programme document commensurate with programme objectives. The appraisal team shall also recommend whether or not the Embassy should support the proposed EFSP.