References | Africa, south of Sahara

Baseline, Monitoring and Mid-Term Evaluation Strengthening Civil Society – Lot 1a Uganda


Civil Society, Monitoring and Evaluation

Start date

End date

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Netherlands supports Civil Society Organisations (CSO) under the grant instruments of the Policy Framework for Strengthening Civil Society (SCS) from January 2021 to December 2025 with an overall aim to contribute to reducing inequality, combating corruption, amplifying the voice of citizens to stand up for their rights, and especially to realising women’s rights and gender equality. This assignment focuses on the baseline, monitoring and mid-term evaluation of the implementation of  the “Policy Framework for Strengthening Civil Society” in Uganda.

The overall objectives of the assignment are to provide transparency and accountability about the allocation funds and to formulate lessons for future SCS and thematic policymaking, funding mechanisms and policy implementation, as well as to evaluate the quality of policy implementation by the partnerships and MFAs role in the partnerships, and to formulate lessons learned. Baseline and MTR are to provide the context and baseline values, to assess the relevance of the policy instruments and implementation within the context, and to assess the progress made, coherence, efficiency, and sustainability of the policy implementation.