Computerizing Existing First Level Records in Pilot Kebeles
Although the four main regions (Amhara, Oromia, SNNP and Tigray) had made considerable progress in conducting first-stage registration of land certificates (with a low-cost, traditional approach), there were still remaining challenges particularly in terms of maintenance of records and apparent lack of any spatial references. There was a need to support Ethiopia in the design and implementation of second level registration and certification programs leading up to a more sustainable land administration system. To this end, the government implements field trials for image-based, second level registration and certification programs, financed under the World Bank funded Sustainable Land Management Program, in one selected woreda (one rural kebele and parts of a neighboring town) in each of the four main regions of the country. The first stage records are used as a basis for the second stage certification. Computerizing the existing first-level records of the pilot rural kebeles will help assess the quality of the first stage records, e.g., in terms of gaps in coverage, gender imbalances, and the extent of updating and maintenance of records. The output from this exercise will be crucial to scale up of trial at national level.
There is significant difference in the formats used and nature of data available across regions. The main objective of the assignment was to computerize records from first stage land registration in the three main regions (Oromia, SNNP and Tigray) of the country. The selected districts (woredas) were Ilu in Oromia, Butta Jirra in SNNP, and Kolla Tembien in Tigray. The number of household entries totaled 3,000 households.
The records in the Amhara region were entered by the regional EPLAUA office. Having these records computerized was critical to facilitate their systematic comparison to the records generated in the course of the imaginary trials which were organized simultaneously by the REILA (Responsible and Innovative Land Administration program, funded by MFA Finland.
ORGUT was contracted to provide technical assistance and data operators for the computerization of second level registration of land certificates, including design of software, training of data operators and capacity building for responsible Woreda officers.