Consultancy Service for the Selection of a New Projection System
The consultancy assignment was carried out within the Second Land Administration Project for Ghana. The development objective of the project is to consolidate and strengthen land administration and management systems for efficient and transparent land service delivery. There are four components to the project.
The first component of the project supports the completion of land law reforms, preparation of regulations and collaborate with the judiciary in establishing new land courts; the second component of the project aims to improve transparency and reduce time and cost of delivering service through a re-engineering and decentralization of business process and automation; the third component of the project supports the preparation of base maps and other spatial products to support land transactions and street addressing system; and the fourth component of the project aims to develop the capacity requirements for land administration service provision as well as project management.
The objective of the consultancy is to provide advice on the selection of a new map projection for Ghana (including selection of a central meridian, scale factors and false origins to be adopted), which will minimise distortions across the entire country for large scale mapping, surveying and cadastral works; computation of transformation parameters from old coordinate systems to a new system; and on the conversion of legacy spatial data sets from the old coordinate systems to new system.