Country Gender Profile Kosovo
The Government of Kosovo had developed a strategy outlining the way forward towards EU integration, National Strategy for European Integration “Kosovo 2020” which reflected the vision and the aim of Kosovo to accelerate the European Integration process. EU, as well as several other donors were in the process of, or had recently, finalized country strategies for the cooperation with and support to Kosovo. In order to ensure that gender equality would be addressed and mainstreamed in the implementation of these strategies, the Government of Kosovo and donors had agreed to do a Country Gender Profile of Kosovo. The Gender Profile provided an analysis of gender differences at all levels, micro (grass roots), meso (institutional, markets) and macro level (national policies): 1) National framework (policies, strategies and initiatives); 2) Mapping of key actors; 3) Rule of Law/Justice and human rights; 4) Political situation; 5) Socio-economic situation; 6) Gender-based violence, and with a focus on the sectors of Water and sanitation, Agriculture, environment and rural development, Food security and nutrition, Transport and infrastructure, ICT and Energy. The work included identification of specific areas of concern and constraints, strategic areas in need for further research as well as an analysis of areas where there is potential for moving forward.