Decentralised Rural Infrastructure and Livelihood Project II (PPTA 7573-NEP)
The original Decentralised Rural Infrastructure and Livelihood Project (DRILP) in Nepal implemented activities which included: community development and rural livelihood restoration; capacity building and decentralised governance; rural transport infrastructure; and, project management services. Building on from the first phase of the DRILP, the second phase (DRILP II) focused on reducing rural poverty by improving disadvantaged communities' access to social and economic goods and services across the same 18 districts. The target districts were characterised by extreme poverty, affected by conflict, and with total absence (or very limited access) of infrastructure for linking with the national and international markets. DRILP II sought to build onto phase one by focusing on: rural transport infrastructure and complementary access infrastructure rehabilitation, upgrading and construction; transport services and road beneficiaries' skills development; and, institutional capacity building and project implementation support.
The project sought to reduce poverty in selected poor hill and mountain districts by improving rural communities' access to goods, services, facilities and employment opportunities in these districts. To achieve this, DRILP II aimed to:
- Extend the rural transportation infrastructure;
- Develop affordable and reliable transport services;
- Provide strategic community complementary access infrastructure;
- Maximise benefits to poor beneficiaries through increased mobility and access;
- Increase community awareness and participation in the planning, implementation and maintenance of the rural transport infrastructure; and,
- Improve the planning, execution capacity and road maintenance capacity of district administrations.
Community development and participation remained a key feature of DRILP II which increased the capacity of communities, and their ability to participate in the project planning and implementation as well ensuring the involvement of the poorest and most disadvantaged groups.
To support the preparation of DRILP II, FCG New Zealand conducted a technical, economic and financial appraisal of three rural road subprojects. The technical appraisal was undertaken in consideration of future impacts of climate change on the rural road subproject and included specific measures to integrate climate resilience into their design. To ready the project for implementation, FCG New Zealand also updated the safeguards framework and environmental, resettlement and indigenous peoples plans.