References | Africa, south of Sahara

Develop Gender Policy Briefs for the Cooperating Partner Group in Zambia


Gender Equality, Monitoring and Evaluation

Start date

End date

The objective of the assignment was the production of four Policy Briefs as tools for dialogue with high level stakeholders/decision makers within Government, Parliament and civil society aiming at informing policy direction and planning, particularly to guide these policy makers in undertaking informed policy decision on gender equality and equity. The Briefs are primarily intended to be used by the Cooperating Partner Group (CP) but also advocates for gender equality within government, political parties and civil society. The policy briefs were developed in the following four priority areas:

  1. Gender based violence
  2. Women’s leadership and decision making
  3. Women’s economic empowerment
  4. Gender responsive planning and budgeting

In particular, the gender Policy Briefs seek to identify:

  • The strategic issues/ challenges within the four identified priority areas supported by facts and data and analysis of where the problem is emerging.
  • The responses that are already underway to address the issues/challenges.
  • Where significant achievements have occurred within these areas as well as key constraints to achieving transformational change.
  • Key policy and implementation gaps.
  • Key policy options and implications, such as the various policy options, effects of proposed revisions to policies, advantages and disadvantages of each policy option.
  • Opportunities for strategic engagement and examples of “what works” in Zambia.
  • Key recommendations with clear policy messages.
  • Key dialogue messages with arguments.

The Policy Briefs are supported by analytical papers that elaborate on the above issues and address issues like gaps of engagement/support by civil society and CPs.