References | Africa, south of Sahara

Development of Geodetic Reference Network in Amhara Region


Land Administration, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The Sida-Amhara Rural Development Programme (SARDP), a Sida funded project in which ORGUT was involved in the planning and the delivery of technical assistance since 1995. The overall goal was “to contribute to poverty reduction in the Amhara Region by improving the food security conditions of the rural population in 30 woredas of East Gojjam and south Wollo Zones”.

This assignment was carried out through Sida´s “Young Consultants Programme” (PYK), by two academics that earlier carried out their Master thesis comprising reference network surveying, i.e. establishing reference points with known coordinates with a high accuracy.

The geodetic network was initialized and carried out by BoEPLAU with funds from Sida as part of the Sida-Amhara Rural Development Programme (SARDP). The purpose was foremost to perform the second registration of parcels in Amhara in one homogenous network instead of separate local networks that would create problems and gaps between different local networks or overlapping problems.

The main purpose of this project was to fill gaps and facilitate BoEPLAU´s work by creating regional reference network and to contribute to the development of the region within the Land Administration System. All the information concerning this project, from raw data to calculations, point descriptions etc. should be available free of charge for everybody interested.