References | Africa, south of Sahara

Environment and Urban programme in South Africa

South Africa

Gender Equality, Natural Resource Management, Urban Development, Environment and Climate Change, Local Government and Decentralisation, Good Governance and Public Administration, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The Environment and Urban Development programme was established in 1997 in two cities, later expanded to three cities in South Africa. The purpose of the programme was capacity building of the cities in a number of different areas. It has included the development of a Participatory Comprehensive Urban Planning, the definition of related municipal policies in the areas of Housing, Transport, Solid Waste Management, Land Use and Environment etc. The main approach has been the use of a number of demonstration projects such as housing delivery projects, slum upgrading, environment, detail urban planning, Housing Micro Finances etc. Cross cutting issues have been Poverty Alleviation, Gender, Public Participation, Community Training, Politicians capacity building. The Programme established three partnership initiatives between the South African and Swedish Municipalities. The project also aims at bringing the municipalities closer together and to learn from the respective projects.

SIPU International was contracted to provide one senior urban advisor per city and a number of short time expertise in specific areas related to urban development. The project has provided the following long-term advisor (Architects and Town Planners) to the Sol Plaatje Municipality (1997-2002), Port Elizabeth (1997-2006) and Buffalo City (2002-2007).