Establishment of a Continuously Operating Reference Station at the Institute of Land Administration, Bahir Dar University
The Institute of Land Administration (ILA) is part of Bahir Dar University (BDU), located in the capital of the Amhara National Regional State, Bahir Dar. The B.S.c education programme in Land Administration started at Bahir Dar University (BDU) in September 2006 under the Faculty of Law. The programme was initiated by the Environmental Protection, Land Administration and Use Authority (EPLAUA) because of limited availability of trained human resources in the area of land administration. In cooperation with KTH Royal Institute of Technology, ORGUT provides support in the establishment of ILA since 2007. The cooperation between KTH and ILA was initiated in 2004 when personnel at BDU attended Master Studies in Land Administration at KTH. KTH has also assisted in the development of the curriculum.
ILA meets the growing demand for professionals in Land Administration, both in the urban and rural sector. The Board of Study, which is an advisory body to the institute, has members from potential employers of the graduate in order to ensure that the education continues to be demand-driven. Currently, ILA offers a 4 year B.S.c. education programme in Land Administration for regular students. It is also delivering the B.S.c. in Land Administration through the distance evening, evening and summer programmes. From 2011 a 5 ½ years B.S.c. education programme in Architecture has started. Curricula for B.S.c. education programmes in Surveying and Geoinformatics, Urban and Regional Planning as well as Real Estate Management are being prepared.
As part of the overall support to ILA, ORGUT provided consulting services for a specific assignments working with establishing a Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) for education purposes at ILA. The assignment included provision of training in maintenance and troubleshooting of the station, assuring its reliable and uninterrupted operation.