Final Evaluation of the Conservation Agriculture Scaling-Up (CASU) Project
The final evaluation of the CASU project was aimed at providing accountability on outputs and outcomes achieved to date, and also at providing learning for future interventions. Based on the analysis, the evaluation drew specific conclusions and formulated recommendations for further action by the Government, FAO and/or other parties to ensure sustainable development, including any need for follow-up actions. The main audiences of the evaluation to which the findings and recommendations were presented were the FAO Project Management Team, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) of Zambia, the European Union, and other relevant stakeholders. FCG provided the Evaluation Specialist to lead the project evaluation.
The ‘Conservation Agriculture Scaling Up’ (CASU) project aimed to provide solutions to declining crop production among small- and medium-scale farmers. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to reduced hunger, improved food security, nutrition and income while promoting sustainable use of natural resources. The purpose of the project was to increase crop productivity and production for the targeted farmers of which at least 40% should be women. CASU was intended to scale up CA activities countrywide CASU also strengthened partnership and networking between the Zambian government and cooperating partners, NGOs as well as the private sector in order to fully bring all key players on board.
The project had 5 result areas, namely:
Result 1: Conservation Agriculture (CA) expanded and consolidated
Result 2: Conservation Agriculture skills improved
Result 3: Conservation Agriculture farmer input and output supply chains improved
Result 4: Land management improved
Result 5: Gender Issues mainstreamed