References | Africa, south of Sahara

Financial Management Consultancy for Operationalization of Phase II of the Joint Partnership Fund


Fund Management, Local Government and Decentralisation, Water Sector Services, Good Governance and Public Administration, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The Government of Uganda (GoU) and its Development Partners (DPs) formulated a Joint Water and Sanitation Sector Programme Support (JWSSPS) for 2008-2012.

The JWSSPS Programme document has the following funding modalities for different activities:

  • Sector earmarked budget support (via PAF and DWSCG)
  • Joint Partnership Fund (Basket funding to the sector)
  • Water Supply Development Facility/Fund

Work plans and budgets for the JPF-Phase II during the Inception Phase of the Programme (January – June 2008) have been developed and approved. It has been agreed to obtain the services of a short term financial management consultant to oversee and expedite the formal establishment of the second phase of the Joint Partnership Fund (JPF – Phase II) for the JWSSPS programme.

The key responsibility of the short term Financial Management Consultant (FMC) was the immediate establishment and operationalization of the JPF-Phase II. The FMC further ensured that the JPF operations complied with the new requirements of the JWSSPS and the recommendations from the Fiduciary Risk Assessment Study.