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Framework Agreement for Sida reviews, evaluations and advisory services on results framework

Monitoring and Evaluation, Public Administration Reform, Civil Society, Justice/Rule of Law, Market Development, Environment and Climate Change, Local Government and Decentralisation, Gender Equality, Good Governance and Public Administration

Start date

End date

SIPU acted as the lead partner for the Sida framework agreement for reviews, evaluations and advisory services on results framework. Between 2011 and 2015 SIPU carried out 39 assignments under this framework :



          Evaluation of the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD), the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) and the Centre for Conflict Resoloution, CCR

          Review/evaluation of RFSU’s regional programme ”Improving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) rights and health (including HIV) in South Asia through strengthening civil society organisations” (Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan)

          Review of two Facilitators in Southern Africa – the Swedish Geological Survey (SGS) and the Swedish Trade Council (STC)

          Evaluation of the Liberia Dujár Association

          Review of Sida’s Program for Development research (Uforsk)


          Evaluation of Sida´s support to Bir Zeit University Media Development Center

          Mid Term Review of the Malonda Program

          Evaluation of “Sustainable Livelihood Programme through Community Mobilization and Establishing Knowledge Resource Centre in Mazar-e-Sharif”

          Evaluation of the contribution made by the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society (SPAS) to the project “Human Rights and Democracy Promotion in Chechnya”

          Review to document the results of Centec, Center for Environmental Technology, at the Embassy of Sweden in Beijing, China

          Evaluation of Sida’s Support to Private and decentralised Forestry in Kosovo (2009-2013)

          Evaluation of Sida´s support to Kvinna till Kvinna (KtK) and its’programme “Palestinian women seek greater power and influence to organize for democratic state building”

          Evaluation on Results of Cooperation under the Swedish Strategy for Development Cooperation with Turkey, 2010-2013

          Evaluation of the Project Support to Tax Administration in Albania, Phase 2, 2008-2012

          Utvärdering av Sidas arbetsplan ”Mänskliga rättigheter för personer med funktionshinder”

          Mid Term Review of the MENA-OECD Investment Programme

          Experiences and lessons learned from partner Driven Cooperation in the seven selective cooperation countries

          Evaluación de Medio Término MTR del Proyecto: “NODO de saneamiento Sostenible Descentralizado como Plataforma de Conocimiento y Generación de Impacto en Soluciones Sostenibles NSSD 2012-2015”

          Review of the Results of the Support to the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) and Toxics Link (TL)

          Mid Term Review of the MENA-OECD Investment Programme

          Mid-term review of Support to Partnership in Statistics in BiH Phase 3

          Evaluation of Swedish Research Cooperation with Tanzania 2007-2013

          Study on Higher Education and Research in Tanzania

          Evaluation of the project Leaders Engaged in New Democracies Network (LEND) 

          Evaluation of Results of Support to Land Administration Systems in Belarus and Georgia, from 1998 to 2014

          Evaluation of Swedish government funded research cooperation support to Uganda 2009-2014

          Evaluation of Transparency International-Zimbabwe

          Evaluation of Sweden funded Transparency International Zimbabwe

          Evaluation of the project “Fostering Agricultural Markets” (FARMA)

          Evaluation of Implementation of Sweden’s Strategy for Development Co-operation with Iraq 2009-2014 from a Conflict Sensitivity Perspective

          Independent evaluation of the project “Assessing the Judicial and Constitutional Reform Process in Turkey 2012-2015”, implemented by TESEV

          Review of the Capacity Building for Improvement of Land Administration and Procedures in Bosnia and Herzegovina (CILAP project)

          Review of Kyiv School of Economics’ Institutional and Sustainability Plans

          Evaluation of the project “Capacity development at MoFTs at State and entity level for effective management of public investments PIP-DIP”

          Utvärdering av LO-TCO Biståndsnämnd: Modeller för fackligt utvecklingssamarbete som är relevanta, kostnadseffektiva samt främjar ett lokalt ägarskap

          Mid-term Review of the Sida Funded Life and Peace Institute’s Conflict Transformation Programme in DRC, Somalia, Regional Programme, Horn of Africa

Evaluation of the Guarantee Fund in Macedonia