Framework Agreement on Gender Equality
ORGUT provided Sida, Swedish Embassies and sections for development cooperation (UM) with high quality consulting services within the Framework Agreement covering the following thematic areas: women’s political participation, women’s economic empowerment (WEE) and women and security including gender based violence (GBV). The framework was used for short- and long term consulting services where the overall objective of the assignment is gender equality such as targeted interventions, analysis where gender is the main aspect to be analysed, integration of gender into development methods; as well as where gender equality is to be integrated into sector specific interventions.
Within the Framework Agreement on Gender Equality ORGUT provided services including:
- Country/context analysis for input in strategy and policy processes, contribution processes, including feasibility studies and appraisals.
- Support and advice to partners and/or Sida when developing programmes and projects and during implementation of programmes including quality assurance.
- Support and advice to Sida in global and regional advocacy or country level dialogue and negotiations.
- Portfolio reviews and desk studies.
- Capacity development including training, development of training material and organising seminars.
- Studies and analytical reports, thematic background documents, discussion papers, and input to policy processes.
- Short and long term method support, including strengthening of Results Based Management in programme and strategy development.
- Assessments e.g. outcome assessments.
- Coaching of individual Sida staff on how to improve efforts on gender equality e.g. shorter input and strategic advice to persons in management positions.
ORGUT managed the call offs in a highly effective and timely manner, still assuring high quality of outputs. During the courseof the contract ORGUT provided Sida and Swedish Embassies with services in various areas including reviewing Sida’s work within gender based violence and providing recommendations on how to continue this work, and providing Sida and Swedish Embassies with input and method support in its work on gender equality.