References | Global

Framework Agreement on Market Development


Monitoring and Evaluation, Other, Public Financial Management, Environment and Climate Change, Market Development, Natural Resource Management, Good Governance and Public Administration

Start date

End date

The purpose of the Framework Agreement was to provide a range of expertise that Sida can draw on for support to Sidas project and programs. The Framework Agreement provided inputs to Sidas strategy and policy processes as well as capacity development. The Framework Agreement covered the thematic main- and sub-areas listed below:

Private Sector Development:

  • Business environment
  • Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise development
  • Labour Market and Employment
  • Private Sector Associations
  • Local Economic Development

Trade-related Cooperation:

  • All sub-areas within the WTO framework
  • Approximation to EU’s trade related policies, rules and regulations including sanitary and phytosanitary regulations
  • Aid for Trade
  • Economic Partnership Agreements
  • Gender (trade and)
  • Negotiation techniques (trade)
  • Preferences (trade)
  • Regional integration

Financial Systems and Financing:

  • Financial Sector Policy and Analysis
  • Microfinance in general
  • Housing finance
  • Rural Finance
  • Remittances
  • Financial Sector Infrastructure
  • Financial Institutions and Risk Management
  • Mobilisation of financial resources, including local currency markets
  • Assessing Viability of Investments
  • Structuring of Investment Finance

Examples of completed assignments:

  1. Utvärdering av Strategi för Finansiering av utvecklingslån och garantier avseende miljöåtgärder (miljölån)     Global    2011
  2. Advice to Electricidade de Mocambique on the selection of and agreement with a loan provider for the renovation of 2 power plants     Mozambique    2011-2012
  3. Study on Sida’s approach to Private Sector Development in conflict-areas and workshop facilitation    Afghanistan, Iraq, OPT, Congo, Liberia, Guatemala    2011-2012
  4. World Economic Forum- Support to the Youth unemployment Council with reports and Youth Unemployment Strategy    Global    2011-2012
  5. Assessment on Local Economic Development and
  6. Governance (BiH)    Bosnia and Herzegovina    2011
  7. Support to development of a workshop on “Innovative ways of leveraging private finance for development” in Busan conference on international development    Global    2012
  8. Mapping of Market Development Issues in Strategy Processes    Global    2011-2012
  9. Support in the phase-out process of Swedish support to the Foundation Fundevi in Honduras     Honduras    2012
  10. Development of a Terms of Reference for the evaluation of the project ”Maghreb Regional Project- Public Employment Services in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia”    Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia    2012
  11. Development of 2 day training in Making Markets work for the Poor (M4P) training for Sida staff    Sweden    2012
  12. Preparing a report on trends in Sida's trade related activities    Global    2012
  13. Expert advice for monitoring and follow-up of the Swedish support to the Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme in Uganda    Uganda    2012
  14. Pre study to suggest 3-4 prioritized agricultural value chains for support by the Agriculture Sector Development Support Programme    Kenya    2012
  15. Support to Sweden’s contribution to the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG)    Global    2012-2013
  16. Forestry sector Economic Study    Kosovo    2012
  17. Training on Insititutions, Growth and Jobs for the Swedish Partnership Forum     Sweden    2013
  18. Advice to Sida on the market development aspects of Sweden’s results strategy for the Western Balkans     Western Balkans    2013
  19. Expert advice on possible areas of Sida support in Private Sector Development in Afghanistan    Afghanistan    2013-2014
  20. Capacity Building for regional and local policy-makers in the market development Sector in Belarus    Belarus    2013-2015
  21. Study on existing models for creating productive employment and possible methods for funding    Global    2013
  22. Scoping Assignment to assess the potential of a Public Private Partnership around vocational education trainings in the mining sector in Zambia within the Mining Skills and Training Framework (MSTF)    Zambia    2013
  23. International Training Programme in Private sector development in Kenya    Kenya    2013
  24. Mapping of relevant actors working on ‘Productive employment and socially and environmentally sustainable business practices that primarily benefit women’ in Bangladesh    Bangladesh    2014
  25. Mapping the role of private sector in Sweden’s new results strategy for Bangladesh and opportunities for Private Sector Collaboration (PSC)    Bangladesh    2014
  26. Study to Assess options for supporting increased mobile phone coverage in Uganda     Uganda    2014
  27. Study Outlining Possible Areas and Issues for Sida Support to Economic Development in Albania and Kosovo 2014-2020    Kosovo and Albania    2014
  28. Study on future fields of cooperation between research collaboration and private sector development in Swedish-Ugandan Development Cooperation 2014-2019    Uganda    2014
  29. Study to identify partners and possible interventions in the field of ‘Sustainable Growth and Employment’    Uganda    2014
  30. Analysis of the Sunflower Oil market system in Tanzania in support of an intervention plan for the coming years    Tanzania    2015
  31. Study outlining Possible Areas and Issues for Sida Support to Market Development in Ukraine 2014-2020 and implementation of a LFA –workshop    Ukraine    2015
  32. Needs assessment in relation to CEN (European Committee for Standardisation) proposal regarding Quality Infrastructure in the Western Balkans         2015
  33. M4P support to the establishment of Agricultural Markets Development Trust (AMDT)    Tanzania    2015
  34. Swedish Support to IPM Business School    Belarus    2015-2016
  35. Evaluations of Loan Portfolio applications    Mali    2015