References | Asia & Pacific

Integrated Water Resources Management and Sustainable Water Service Delivery in Karnataka (TA 7418-IND)


Agriculture, Water Sector Services, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The capacity development technical assistance studied the issues and opportunities for water resources management in the State with the longer-term objective of improving water resource management for economic growth, livelihood enhancement, poverty reduction, improved environment and public health in water-scarce river basins. The objectives of the capacity development technical assistance were to:

  • Help the government of Karnataka define and adopt system of water resources management following integrated water resources management.
  • Advance the knowledge of stakeholders on appropriate options for enhancing water-use efficiency and the sustainability of water supply and sanitation and irrigation.
  • Strengthen institutional arrangements for managing selected urban centers and proposed new centers for urban development and to manage selected irrigation schemes.
  • Build the capacity of counterpart staff and other stakeholders involved in water management.

The Project consisted of five components:

  1. Integrated Water Resource Management roadmap, institutional systems, and strategic framework;
  2. Sub-basin framework plans for water resources management;
  3. Sustainable service delivery for urban water supply and sanitation performance;
  4. Upgrading of major irrigation schemes