Joint Evaluation Mission of Kenya Water Sanitation Programme (KWSP) and the Water Sector Reform Programme (WSRP)
The Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI), Sida, Danida and GTZ as partners of the Joint Cooperation Agreement (JCA) undertook a joint evaluation of the Kenyan Water Sector to assess the impact of the programmes in relation to Kenya’s needs, challenges and objectives in the development of its water and sanitation sector. The Evaluation was undertaken by a team of consultants whereby KWSP/Sida and GTZ each engaged an international and a national consultant forming a team of 4 consultants. The aim of the evaluation is to look back but also move forward, in terms of support to the sector when KWSP comes to an end 31st December, 2009.
The evaluation built on findings and recommendation of preceding annual sector review and included a review of progress of the Sector Wide Approach to Planning (SWAp) process. The joint mission delivered:
- An evaluation report of KWSP with detailed achievements, challenges and identified recommendations for the continued support to the sector.
- An initial proposal (pointers to priority areas) for the future support to the sector after the current KWSP phase, the clear linkages to possible support for a forthcoming SWAp or similar current set-up.
- An evaluation report of WSRP with progress made by the current support, detailed achievements and challenges.
- An evaluation on how well the JCA has worked in the interest of the partner institutions and the reform and challenges and areas for improvement.