Kiribati – Addendum to Sanitation Roadmap
Services under this contract relate to improved sanitation for South Tarawa, the capital of Kiribati, where only 40% of people have access to improved sanitation. The population of South Tarawa is growing rapidly and studies have shown high fecal coliform levels in household groundwater wells, water in the lagoon and intertidal platform close to the shoreline, and in edible shellfish. Kiribati has a high incidence of waterborne disease and extremely high infant mortality rate of almost 5% that can be partly attributed to infant diarrhoea. The Government of Kiribati (GoK) and its partners are committed to increasing access to improved sanitation services and the South Tarawa Water and Sanitation Road Map 2011-2030 (the Roadmap) provides a strategy for providing increased access.
The project, funded by New Zealand MFAT, prepared an addendum to the Sanitation Roadmap (update for the 2010 version) including recommendations for sanitation technologies and implementation steps for those South Tarawa communities that currently are without improved sanitation.
Services under this contract contributed to an overarching Activity, the goals of which are improved water, sanitation and hygiene leading to a healthier, more resilient, and prosperous Kiribati.FCG is carrying out the work in close cooperation with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy of Kiribati.