References | Africa, south of Sahara

LAMP Best Practices


Land Administration, Local Government and Decentralisation, Natural Resource Management, Public Administration Reform, Good Governance and Public Administration, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The Land Management Programme (LAMP) was implemented between 1992 and December 2007 in Babati, Kiteto, Simanjiro and Singida districts. The districts were responsible for planning, implementing and reporting activities funded directly from Sida via the Treasury. In January 2008 the implementation of a two and a half years project Securing Sustainability of LAMP Initiatives started. The project has two focus areas:

  • Strengthening and revitalizing user groups within natural resource management (consolidating specific activities)
  • Follow up of LAMP initiated activities and monitoring of implementation of reforms

This consultancy was performed within the framework of ‘Securing Sustainability of LAMP Initiatives’. 

During the implementation of LAMP Phase I and II many good practices were developed and LAMP has shown to be a model in different areas. During the implementation of the project ‘Securing Sustainability of LAMP Initiatives’ a need for scaling up and replicating best practices from LAMP in other districts has been identified by PMO-RALG and other stakeholders and therefore it has been agreed that a number of Best Practices should be selected for documentation and dissemination. The objective of this consultancy was to assist PMO-RALG in the Identification, Collection, Compilation and Production of material of Best Practices from LAMP Phases I and II.