References | Africa, south of Sahara

Local government Councillors Training Programme


Local Government and Decentralisation, Environment and Climate Change, Good Governance and Public Administration

Start date

End date

The project objective was to improve service delivery to citizens by training all 330 councillors in urban councils in topics relevant for performing the duties of a councillor. A pool of local resource persons and trainers was also organised and trained. Training modules were developed in good governance and technical areas, namely, financial management, urban planning, housing, social services, public health, environment and waste management.

Results: Two outcome assessments were conducted in 2010 and end of 2011. The overall impressions from the exercises was that the training program has had a significantly positive impact on the performance of councilors in turn resulting in improved service delivery for the citizens of the targeted urban councils. It appears as if the training program has helped the councilors (and officers) in overcoming the hurdle of bilateral suspicion which previously has hampered successful and constructive work within the councils.

The councilors that participated in the training program as well as most of officials who have worked with councilors before and after training report a sense of better clarity on roles, responsibilities and boundaries. Across the urban councils targeted in the outcome assessment, the improved conditions is reported to have led to more constructive and co-operative relationships between councilors and officials in turn resulting in better conditions to implement council resolutions, thereby resulting in improved service delivery.