References | Africa, south of Sahara

Long Term Technical Assistance to the General Auditing Commission Liberia


Public Financial Management, Good Governance and Public Administration

Start date

End date

The purpose of the technical assistance service contract was to continue increasing the productivity and effectiveness of the General Auditing Commission in Liberia in its contribution to improving accountability, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in the management of government resources, with a goal of moving towards full INTOSAI compliance, so that GAC takes its place as a core element of public financial management within the Government of Liberia.

The expected results were:

Result 1: institutional strengthening and capacity building of the General Auditing Commission:
— component 1.1: strengthening the legal and regulatory framework of the General Auditing Commission in line with international standards,
— component 1.2: strengthening the General Auditing Commission’s organisational structure and procedures,
— component 1.3: internal capacity building,
— component 1.4: supporting the decentralisation of the General Auditing Commission’s offices.

Result 2: strengthened linkages with stakeholders:
— component 2.1: strengthening the linkage between the General Auditing Commission, the National Legislature and other partners,
— component 2.2: provision of support services to the auditees.