Mid-term Review of the Malonda Program – July 2010 – June 2013
Sweden has supported private sector development in Niassa since the early 2000 through the so called Malonda program with a total amount of approximately 124 MSEK where Sweden is the only financer to date. Initially, the support to Malonda formed part of the integrated provincial support program, Proani, as the private sector development component. The Swedish focus on the Niassa province was based on the isolated situation of the province in terms of economic development and high number of people living in poverty among the population.
The purpose of the mid-term review of the MF program was to consider the continuation of the program up to June 2015 in accordance with the option for prolongation in the agreement.
It was envisaged that the process of the review itself will contribute to learning on results related to private sector development and to engage stakeholders involved in private sector development in a dialogue on what are the drivers and the constraints behind economic growth in the province. The MTR was viewed as an opportunity to learn and to engage in a dialogue with actors on overall goals on what type of facilitation and needs there are in order to develop the private sector further and how to work with the government on these issues. The findings of the MTR formed basis for Sida’s decision to extend the agreement with MF for two additional year, as per the option in the agreement.