References | Africa, south of Sahara

Modification of EDF Guideline


Monitoring and Evaluation, Fund Management, Gender Equality, Local Government and Decentralisation, Market Development, Land Administration, Natural Resource Management, Good Governance and Public Administration, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

To modify and add to the existing ‘Guidelines’ for operation of the Enterprise Development Facility (EDF) to enable AMSEIPA to continue to expand the model implemented during SARDP after financial and technical assistance from Sida is terminated.

The output is a comprehensive, practical and clear EDF guideline incorporating past experience and lessons learned; management mechanisms describing the roles and responsibilities of the major actors, including MSEIPA, micro-finance Institutions, savings and credit cooperatives unions, private business development providers and their coordination in EDF development and sustainability; operational detail on the scheme including mechanisms for fund allocation to and from lenders, loan processing and the operation of a loan guarantee mechanism to underwrite defaulters, support to BDS providers including a payment mechanism, performance sustainability assessment etc.