References | Asia & Pacific

Monitoring and Evaluation of Project Outcomes and Impact of the Lao Swedish Road Sector Project 3; Environmental and Social Capacity Development in the Road Sector


Monitoring and Evaluation, Other, Environment and Climate Change, Local Government and Decentralisation, Good Governance and Public Administration

Start date

End date

ORGUT assisted the ‘Environment and Social Division’ of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport to improve its institutional capacity for mainstreaming environmental and social safeguards in the country’s road sector.

National and international long-term advisors supported the ministry in harmonizing government and funding procedures and guidelines for road projects that are acceptable to state agencies, donors and civil society alike. A broad range of state and private sector actors at central, provincial and district levels benefited from comprehensive training and other capacity development inputs. By 2008, over 550 stakeholders have been trained in the application of environmental and social safeguards in the road sector in 17 provinces.

The purpose of this assignment was to carry out a detailed analysis of project outcomes and impact in relation to the capacity development activities carried out based to the programmes LFA. The analysis was also based on results documented by the existing monitoring and evaluation and management information systems that were established during the inception period of the project.