Monitoring of the Improved Natural Resources Management (INRM)
Sweden has since 2005 together with the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility, GEF funded a Natural Resource Development Program (NRDP) implemented by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration (MoEFWA). The bank has managed MSEK 140 in a Trust Fund, where Sweden has contributed MSEK 40. The NRDP program has contributed to: (i) the transfer of usufruct rights for 65% of the national forest and pasture land from the state to the local governments in 240 of 347 municipalities, (ii) institutional reforms at the Ministry of Environment with separation of their extension and supervision powers on forest and pasture (iii) more effective management of natural resources with an increase (25-50%) of the revenue from forest and pasture land for poor farmers and reduced soil erosion estimated at 200,000 tons of soil.
Sweden decided to continue contributing to the Albanian MoEFWA through a Trust Fund managed by the World Bank. The support aim to consolidate the achievements of previous NRDP support and secondly, to develop systems for Payment of Environmental Services (PES). The contribution will i.a. fund national and international consults; land use and management plans for forest and pasture, legal framework; separation of extension and control, system for environmental monitoring, disbursement schemes (IPARD).