Organisational review of Global Financial Integrity
As part of Norad’s management of cooperation agreements, Norad periodically performs organisational reviews. This review serves as an important control and quality assurance function and enables Norad to take informed decisions on support and identify important dialogue and follow-up issues. Norad and GFI have had a Grant Agreement (QZA-0830 QZA-18/0361) covering the same period (Dec 2018 – Dec 2022) as the Organisational Review shall cover. The total amount disbursed to GFI during this period was NOK 23 749 927.
The review described, analysed and assessed the full organisation under review, including the following aspects: 1) Organisational structure; 2) Governance; 3) Cost efficiency;
4) Financial management; 5) Results management; 6) Contribution to strengthening civil society; 7) Cross-cutting issues; 8) Sustainability.
The consultants submitted a suggested set of review questions/the suggested review matrix based on the methodology presented in the tender documents for the framework agreement. The final version of the review questions/matrix was disucssed and approved by Norad.