Organisationl review of FOKUS – Forum for kvinner og utviklingsspørsmål
FOKUS is a Norwegian umbrella organisation formally established in 1995 with 60 members, and that currently has 48 members (2021). FOKUS has a board and secretariat in Norway, and a land office in Colombia. FOKUS currently has an agreement with Norad that ends in 2022. FOKUS has signalled that they will apply for a new four (4) year agreement starting from January 2023.
The purpose of this assignment was to conduct a full organisational review of FOKUS. The review focused on the current program period, 2019 – 2022.
The review was two-parted and the assessment criteria/questions were:
1) Assessment of follow-up on the recommendations from the 2017 review:
- Assess progress to date related to each of the recommendations made in the 2017 report.
- Identify major outstanding issues if any.
2) Review and make recommendations regarding other organization aspects:
Review FOKUS’s guidelines, methodologies, and processes for partner review of their own member organizations and partners. FOKUS has recently completed organisational reviews of their own member /partner organisations and it is expected that these can be used as the basis for a desk review of minimum 2 partner review reports.
Review of the functioning and valued added of FOKUS as an umbrella organisation.
Review current partnership and financing strategy and models and provide recommendations for potential improvements and innovations to enable the organisation to grow and meet its goals.
Review policies and procedures for financial, monitoring and follow-up of member organisations.
FOKUS’ ability to reach and support organisations beyond its pool of member organisations with the view to further develop this function.