References | Africa, south of Sahara

Preparation of a National Urban Development Policy (NUDP) for Kenya


Urban Development, Public Administration Reform, Local Government and Decentralisation, Good Governance and Public Administration

Start date

End date

The Government of Kenya, through the Ministry of Local Government, with support from the Swedish Embassy embarked on the preparation of a National Urban Development Policy (NUDP). The Embassy of Sweden therefore commissioned an assignment aiming to prepare and finalise a concept inception report to define the policy process. The broad objectives of the NUDP were directed at facilitating and enhancing the role and contributions of urban centres in national socio-economic development. This policy framework was envisaged to play an important role in preparation for negotiations with urban stakeholders and was built around the key and immediate needs of all people residing in urban areas. The Policy was envisaged to strengthen governance, development planning, urban investments, and delivery of infrastructure services and, in the long run, contribute towards poverty reduction, economic growth and realization of Kenya’s Vision 2030. The Ministry of Local Government was the lead agency and responsible to ensure that necessary frameworks were put in place to ensure successful implementation of the process.


The objectives of the assignment were to provide policy advice, prepare and finalise a concept inception report to define the policy process, facilitate coordination, guidance and provide technical backstopping to the policy preparation process.


Outline National Urban Development Policy: assist the process to deliver to the task force on Devolved County Government a minimum amount of information/data critical for input into legislation required to implement the Devolved County Government, in particular, the aspects on municipal management and governance prior to the final completion of the Urban Development Policy proper.


National Urban Development Policy: Analysis and validation of collected data, benchmark the findings and facilitate the preparation of a draft final document on the National Urban Development Policy for Kenya.