References | Africa, south of Sahara

Preparation of the Community Project Cycle (CPC)


Local Government and Decentralisation, Water Sector Services, Environment and Climate Change, Good Governance and Public Administration, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The Community Project Cycle (CPC) is a national process for planning, funding, implementation and monitoring of water & sanitation investments that are implemented by rural communities. The CPC regulates the interaction and responsibilities between the funding agency Water Services Trust Fund (WSTF), the Water Services Boards (WSBs), Support Organisations (SOs), Quality Control Agents (QCAs) and Community Based Organisations (CBOs). The CPC promotes self-reliance and poverty alleviation not only through support to improved water service provision, but also through support to school sanitation, health and environmental hygiene improvement and the protection of water sources.

The CPC aims to form a cornerstone of KWSP support to community water initiatives needs a through process of discussions and consensus. The CPC process has been a key activity of the Kenya Water Sanitation Programme (KWSP) starting with the preparation of the inception report in March/April 2005. This was a short-term assignment supporting the initial phase of this process.