References | Asia & Pacific

Preparing the Sustainable Rural Infrastructure Development Project in the Northern Mountain Provinces of Viet Nam – Project Preparation Technical Assistance (TA 7251-VIE)



Start date

End date

The objective of the Project Preparatory Technical Assistance (PPTA) was to assist the Government to prepare a practical investment project to address the urgent infrastructure requirements of fifteen provinces in the Northern Mountain region. This involved a sequenced approach under which the PPTA:

  • Carried out a sector assessment which included the plans and strategies of the Government, other development partners, and based on the outcomes, developed medium term provincial rural infrastructure development plans and sub project selection criteria as well as TORs for a study on the risks posed by climate change related damage on rural infrastructure;  
  • Prepared a feasibility study for the ensuing project based on detailed planning for selected core subprojects for agreed-upon investment options, and various frameworks for social and environmental safeguards compliance documents that were in line with ADB and government policies.

The PPTA was undertaken in two phases:

  1. Phase 1 – Sector assessment including the plans and strategies of the Government, other development partners. Based on the outcomes, developed medium term provincial rural infrastructure development plans and sub project selection criteria as well as TORs for a study on the risks posed by climate change related damage on rural infrastructure.
  2. Phase 2 developed an investment project including:
  • Design and monitoring framework;
  • Poverty and social assessment, and poverty reduction strategy;
  • External assistance and lessons;
  • Environmental assessments of core sub-projects and a framework for non-core subprojects;
  • Indigenous peoples’ development plan;
  • Involuntary resettlement plan for core sub-projects and framework for non-core subprojects (if applicable);
  • Institutional assessment and capacity-building plan;
  • Cost estimates for investments;
  • Financing options (including co-financing and/or parallel options for investment, including options for grant financing);
  • Economic and financial analyses;
  • Gender action plan;
  • Procurement plan;
  • Policy reform agenda (as appropriate); and
  • TORs for consulting services and other inputs required.