References | Africa, south of Sahara

Programme de Consolidation de l’Etat et du Monde Associatif (Pro-CEMA)


Civil Society

Start date

End date

The overall objective of Pro-CEMA was to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the National Development Programme (NDP) by supporting the consolidation of local governance and greater participation of civil society, particularly autonomous women's organisations, in the definition, implementation and monitoring of development policies.
and monitoring of development policies.

The objective of the Technical Assistance (TA) was to provide support, advice and technical assistance to the Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralisation and Development of Territories (MATDDT), civil society organisations (CSOs) as well as to the different actors, beneficiaries and stakeholders. The TA ensured that the MATDDT services were adequately equipped to develop its institutional anchoring and the autonomous and sustainable pursuit of support to civil society. The TA also ensured that CSOs were strengthened to

i) develop their anchorage at local and national level in the dialogue processes for the improvement of governance,

ii) empower them in their role as independent development actors, particularly women's and cultural organisations.