PROMAC Civil Engineer
Overall PROMAC Objective: Jamaica is attaining Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4 "Reducing Child Mortality per 1000 live births" and MDG 5 "Improving Maternal Health by reducing the Maternal Mortality Ratios (MMR) per 100,000 live births
Specific PROMAC objectives:
– To reduce the incidence of neonatal deaths due to inadequate access to high dependency care
– To improve the quality of management of high risk pregnancies at both secondary and primary health care level
-To improve the population health seeking behaviour regarding maternal and child health
– To strengthen the institutional capacity of the MOH and Regional Health Authorities
Component 1: New born Care and Emergency Obstetric Care
Component 2: Quality of Primary Health Care Services and Referral Systems
Component 3: Health Workers Training and Research
Component 4: Support to the Health Seeking Behaviours of the Target Population and the Role of Civil Society
Component 5: Institutional Support for Programme Implementation