References | Africa, south of Sahara

Provision of Advisory Services for the Land Management Programme (LAMP) Phase II


Civil Society, Gender Equality, Local Government and Decentralisation, Market Development, Natural Resource Management, Public Financial Management, Water Sector Services, Agriculture, Land Administration, Public Administration Reform, Good Governance and Public Administration, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The Land Management Programme, Phase II, was initiated in 2002 and is scheduled to last until the end of 2007. The Programme is implemented in the geographically and ethnically diverse districts of Babati, Kiteto, Simanjiro and Singida in northern and central Tanzania. The Department for Regional Administration and Local Government at the Presidents Office (PORALG) is responsible for co-ordination of the programme.

In September 2003 the programme outputs were reformulated and standardised for each district as:

i. Improved crop and livestock production facilitated
ii. Improved natural resource utilisation and conservation facilitated
iii. Income generating activities promoted
iv. Gender mainstreamed in programme activities
v. Control of HIV/AIDS supported
vi. Communities are mobilised and empowered
vii. Improved District services delivery facilitated

However, the design and disbursement arrangements of the programme allow each of the districts to pursue its own priorities clearly aiming at tangible poverty alleviation in line with Tanzania’s development objectives and NSGRP commitments.

The programme has made considerable achievements in the sustainable management of natural resources and in Phase II focuses on capacity building at district, ward and village levels as well as community empowerment and democratic governance. The district administrations are supported and assisted in the implementation and application of current Tanzanian reforms and policies, such as the Local Government Reform

The capacity of district council staff and communities within good governance, financial management, accountability and transparency and human rights continues to improve, allowing for increased performance based central government support. The programme also provides the districts with technical advice in improvement of production within agriculture and livestock, private sector development, savings and credit schemes, water development and IT.

Sharing of experiences, networking and cross-district learning is done under the Inter District Forum. These activities usually focus on commonly identified problems that all LAMP Districts need to address in order to develop a common approach and share experiences. These activities usually require a coordinated input from all four Districts and are managed by a Chairing District. The Consultant organises the short term consultancy inputs on request from the Inter District Forum.

The technical assistance has an advisory function only and the decision power and the initiative to ensure and facilitate lie with the District Councils. The implementing responsibility remains within the regular district organisation.