Provision of consultancy services for the Ngorongoro District Development Programme
Austria has supported Ngorongoro District and its pastoralist and farming communities for nearly forty years. In the past decade, the Austrian government has focused its support of the districts main hospitals and two separate programmes – the Integrated Health Programme in Wasso and Endulen and the Lanadei Community Development Programme with activities primarily within water, education and veterinary medicine. After the onset of the Reform process, especially the LGRP, Austria mainstreamed its support into a District Development Programme that is integrated into the council and implemented through its departments and other local development stakeholders. A broader participation of various development stakeholders in planning, resource allocation and implementation is aimed at. Successful conflict mitigation between pastoralist and farming communities is another objective. NDDP seeks to exploit synergies with its sister programme in Kasulu District, Kigoma region through development of replicable ‘best practises’. The programme aims at bringing the remote district into the development mainstream and has strengthened its links with the LGRPs ZRT. The programme is also regularly exchanging experiences with the LAMP programme. In its ongoing phase, the preparation of the district council for qualification for the LGCDG system is a key objective.
The overall objective of the programme is to assist the district council in its mission to improve the living standards of rural communities, particularly of lower income groups facing poverty, through enhanced economic and social development as well as efficient and affordable service delivery by the local government and the private sector. Three main areas are targeted: capacity building, health and the productive sector. The latter two have a distinct poverty alleviation focus and more than half of the funds are earmarked for activities at sub-district level. This project is carried out together with AUSTROPROJEKT.