References | Africa, south of Sahara

Review and analysis of planned Sida support to the lands sector


Monitoring and Evaluation, Land Administration, Environment and Climate Change, Gender Equality, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The PILAK project was designed to support the Ministry of Lands to improve land administration in Kenya. The aim was to contribute towards “a well-functioning land administration, with correct, accessible and reliable information that will contribute to social and economic development” by improving procedures and operating environment at the Ministry.

The activities carried out under the eight components in the programme aimed primarily at introducing and developing technical solutions supported by improved administrative procedures. The first phase of the programme was implemented between 2009 and 2012. In 2013 a new proposal for support, “Project for improving land administration in Kenya, PILAK II 2013-2015, had been developed by Lantmäteriet and the Ministry of Lands in Kenya. Sida commissioned the Helpdesk for Environment and Climate Change, at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences to get a professional view on gender, environment/climate and poverty aspects of the proposal. Lacking the expertise on analysing land related gender and poverty aspects the Helpdesk contracted ORGUT to provide this analysis of the programme, as well as on the earlier phase of the programme implemented through the twinning arrangement between Lantmäteriet, Sweden, and the Ministry of Lands in Kenya.

The main documents reviewed included the updated programme document of PILAK dated May 2011, the Proposal: Project for Improving Land Administration in Kenya PILAK II 2013-2015 and the Evaluation of the Institutional Cooperation between Ministry of Lands, Kenya, and Lantmäteriet, Sweden on the project for Improving Land Administration in Kenya 2009-2012 (PILAK) dated January 2013.