References | Europe

Sector support to Education and Forestry in Kosovo


Natural Resource Management, Public Administration Reform, Forestry, Local Government and Decentralisation, Agriculture, Natural Resource Management, Good Governance and Public Administration

Start date

End date

Sweden have been supporting two Kosovo ministries – Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (MAFRD) – in designing a Programme Based Approach support modality (e.g. a SWAp) for the respective sector. The support led to increased understanding and ownership of the process from the two ministries as well as growing interest among the donors for sector wide approach. Some tangible results were defined as crucial: organisational structures and mechanisms for review of commitments and results (e.g Joint Annual Review) as well as a number of draft documents needed for a sector wide approach such as Performance Assessment Framework, Code of Conduct, Memorandum of Understanding for pooled fund and Terms of Reference for reform secretariat. Based on the processes and progress in designing and establishing SWAps in the two sectors, continued support was deemed necessary in order to take the process further for the SWAps to be realised. 

The objective was to assist the MEST and MAFRD in the continued process in designing and implementing a Programme Based Approach modality in support of the implementation of the KESP and Forest Policy and Strategy Paper (2010-2020). The consultancy further assisted the MEST and MAFRD in bringing Ministries and DP’s together, to deepen the dialogue on the SWAp as a viable support modality and support further effort with the aim of joint donor support of the implementation of the KESP and Forest Policy and Strategy Paper (2010-2020) respectively. 

The aim was to create an accepted and comprehensive plan for each sector that foreign support can be aligned to, to get out of a fragmented approach without overview and with considerable overlap of external support, and to build a monitoring and planning system where up-coming challenges can be identified and solutions found.