References | Africa, south of Sahara

Staff Assessment in Pungwe Basin Transboundary Integrated Water Resource Management and Development Programme


Employment, Water Sector Services, Monitoring and Evaluation, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

Since 2007 ORGUT as lead company in association with COWI A/S provides support to the implementation of the Pungwe Basin Transboundary Integrated Water Resource Management and Development Programme. The programme focuses on strengthening of institutions, stakeholders and systems, and at the same time attempts to achieve visible poverty reduction impact through a menu of priority projects, a fund for participatory community led projects and the facilitation of an investment fund.

The National Directorate for Water in Mozambique provides the overall guidance for the programme with the responsibility for operational matters resting with the Regional Water Administration of Central Mozambique in Beira. Here, the Programme Support Unit (PSU) manages planning, coordination, implementation and monitoring in close cooperation with Regional Water Administration of Central Mozambique and ZIN WA-Save in Zimbabwe. This PSU has its own corporate identity, thereby integrating the programme gradually into existing government administrative structures. The tasks of the PSU staff include the procurement of consultants, equipment and works. The role of international and national technical advisors is meant to be temporary, complementary and restricted to the delivery of support services to the various institutions implementing the programme. The major ORGUT contract objectives are related to the establishment, staffing and administration of the Programme Support Unit, the provision of an institutional development advisor and the procurement and financial management of expenditures incurred in Zimbabwe. In addition, ORGUT carries out services for tendering and contracting of short term consultancies on request basis.

In April 2009, a staff assessment mission was undertaken by ORGUT HQ with the view to:

  • Conclude the PSU staff recruitment process through the administrative service provider (ASP)
  • Capture staff performance and team working relationships towards the end of the inception phase.