Strengthening the Community Project Cycle (CPC) and Incorporating Lessons Learnt from the Preparation and Design Phases
The CPC Specialist visited all but one WSB, discussed the process and the guidelines with the WSB personnel, with representatives of the QCAs and of the SOs. She also visited two communities and carried out group discussions with community and CBO members and committees on their views and experience with the CPC activities. Further she held discussions with all long-term advisors to KWSP.
The findings and recommendations, the revisions and proposed amendments for all CPC phases in the process were presented to and discussed with representatives from the WSBs and long-term advisors during a two-day meeting.
The agreed revisions of documents concerning the Implementation Phase (e.g. Monitoring guidelines for QCAs as milestones for payments, community monitoring, community training, emphasis on HH latrine coverage and sanitation as a gender issuee, communication between WSB/QCA/SO) will be done by the long-term advisors to KWSP in close co-operation with the WSTF.
The consultant also participated in two one-day review sessions with the WSTF and their M&E consultants to ensure that the proposed M&E system and the CPC documents were corresponding. Major issues were compliance with CPC steps.