References | Africa, south of Sahara

Support Improved Ground Water Management, Development of WRM Rules and Regulations


Water Sector Services, Environment and Climate Change, Agriculture, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The assignment was carried out by a groundwater management advisor/specialist. Main tasks of the TA were: to contribute to the development of Rules and Regulations in respect of groundwater resources and groundwater conservation areas and protected areas; to coordinate exercises with aquifer classification and groundwater monitoring; and to generate Codes of Practice for groundwater resources engineering.

As part of the Groundwater Group, the specialist coordinated the aquifer classification and groundwater monitoring definition exercises undertaken by regional groundwater staff and contributed to aspects of groundwater resources management such as defining the role of WRMA Groundwater staff in provision of services. The task of developing Codes of Practice (CoP) for this assignment included the sections: Siting of Boreholes, Construction of Water Supply Boreholes, Test Pumping of Boreholes and Supervision of the construction of Water Supply Boreholes.

The approach taken in performing the assignment involved review of relevant documents such as the Water Rules, and Draft Water Quality Regulations; consultation with and mapped relevant partner institutions and stakeholders (including NEMA, Min. of Agriculture, Min. of Livestock & Fisheries, Min. of National Planning, Kenya Bureau of Standards, National Irrigation Board, WSBs, WRMA regional office, industries and commercial growers); facilitating Rules Roll-out workshops for key stakeholders and participatory preparation of zero and final drafts.

Other tasks carried out during the assignment include support to the water quality laboratories study, to the process of developing National Catchment Management Strategies, development of a regional hydrogeological map, and contributed to development of two other draft codes of practice (for Interpreting Test Pumping Data and Artificial Groundwater Recharge) and a Draft Policy on Groundwater Protection.