References | Africa, south of Sahara

Support in the Formulation of the Action ”Service delivery, cohesion and employment through enhanced Public Finance Management (PFM)”


Employment, Public Financial Management, Good Governance and Public Administration

Start date

End date

Support Uganda’s progress towards SDGs through equitable and inclusive sub-national development processes.

Contribute to the successful formulation of Action N° 2 of the EU Delegation of Uganda’s Annual Action Programme 2019 (AAP 2019): “Service delivery, cohesion and employment through enhanced Public Finance Management (PFM)”


Supported the EU in the formulation of an Action document aiming at:

– Improved fiscal decentralization,

– Increased quality and quantity of service delivery,

– Strengthened social cohesion,

– Expanded Gender Equity Budgeting (GEB) and Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB), and

– Increased creation of employment opportunities.