References | Europe

Support to Regional Environmental Centre (REC) Albania in the process of finalizing the Results Assessment Framework


Civil Society, Natural Resource Management, Environment and Climate Change, Natural Resource Management

Start date

End date

The Swedish Embassy in Tirana and Regional Environment Center for Albania (hereafter referred as REC Albania) had an agreement on Support to Environmental CSOs. The programme was a three years programme (2012-2015) with an inception period of 5 months included. The total budget was MEUR 1.8. The overall strategic goal was to: strengthen and specialize environmental civil society in Albania, which is able to articulate community needs, provide services and support, develop partnerships and networks, capable to address country environmental priorities and progress towards sustainable development.

The proposed CSO support program was organized in two Directions: (a) Capacity building/development and Exchange and (b) Granting Support Mechanism. The programme was designed to be a participatory programme in assessing needs, designing and providing the know-how and financial support.

The Embassy and Sida assessed that the Results Assessment Framework needed to be developed further and hence this assignment was meant as support to REC Albania staff and potential partners of REC in developing the Results Assessment Framework for the programme.

The purpose of the assignment was twofold:
– Supported REC Albania with advice and recommendations in the process of developing the final RAF for the programme financed by the Swedish contribution.
– Contributed to increased knowledge and capacities of REC Albania staff and potential partners in understanding and using the conceptual framework for RAF (Results Chain)