References | Europe

TA to Operational Structure for management of the Operational Programme and implementation of Projects


Public Administration Reform, Market Development, Public Financial Management, Fund Management, Good Governance and Public Administration

Start date

End date

This contract was part of a project with the overall objective "To prepare Croatia for effective management and absorption of IPA assistance, thereby enhancing Croatia’s capacity for the effective use of the Structural funds upon EU accession”. 

The purposes of this contract were:

  • To provide assistance in managing of Transport Operational Program (TOP) 2007-2013 and in transition from IPA to Structural instruments
  • To provide assistance in respect of the new programming period 2014-2020.

This project was financed under IPA TOP Priority Axis 3: Technical Assistance/ Measure 3.1 -Technical assistance for OP management, identifying future projects, capacity building and preparing future Operational Programmes. The overall objective of Priority Axis 3 was to ensure efficient and effective OP management, and development of institutional capacity for project preparation, management and absorption of IPA and future Structural Instruments.

The current TOP was be extended to cover both, IPA and Structural Instruments for the entire 2007-2013 programming period. Responsible structures/bodies had a parallel task of implementing IPA TOP, finalising preparation for Structural Instruments Operational programme and start its implementation. Transition from IPA to Structural Instruments seeked for adjustments in the management and control system, shift from PRAG to national procurements proceedings, etc. The complexity of those parallel tasks was augmented with the need for the upcoming preparation for a new programming period 2014-2020. Besides providing for continuous assistance to the Operating structure/MA/IntB with management of the OP, this project provided a link between IPA and Structural Instruments, facilitating the transition and supporting the preparation for a new financial perspective 2014-2020.


  1. Assistance with management of TOP 2007-2013 and relevant projects and with transition from IPA to Structural Instruments
  2. Assistance with preparation and implementation of new 2014-2020 programming period
  3. Provision of trainings and organization of study tours.