Technical Assistance to the District Development Programme (DDP)
The District Development Programme (DDP) was implemented by Bunda, Serengeti and Ukerewe districts, located in the Lake Victoria zone in Tanzania. The programme was funded by Sida and coordinated at national level by the Department for Regional Administration and Local Government at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMORALG). The goal of the programme was to enable the districts to provide for adequate demand driven social services, through participatory planning and capacity building as well as empower communities to generate household income to improve their livelihoods and break the cycle of poverty.
Activities in the programme were grouped under three programme objectives:
I. Effective Planning and Financial Resource Management
- Improved efficiency in Local Government institutions at District, Ward and Village levels
- Participatory, pro-poor and cross-sectoral planning, including mainstreaming of cross-cutting issues, is adopted and implemented
- Pro-poor resource allocation patterns established
- Efficient and transparent financial management systems in place and applied competently
- District leadership and planners utilise information as a management tool
II. Effective and Expanded Service Delivery
- Quality of services and Service providers' capacity improved
- Urban planning and waste management improved
- Financial contribution for selected areas of service delivery provided
III. Household Income Generation
- Viable income generation activities of specific interest to respective Districts identified and supported
- Food security in the Districts improved
- Access to market and involvement of private sector and other stakeholders strengthened.