The Sustainable Implementation of the New Property Registration System
The assignment was part of the urban component of the Mongolian Property Rights Project, aiming at increasing the security and capitalization of land assets held by lower-income citizens. It aims to improve the formal system for recognizing and transferring land rights, and issue fully marketable private land titles to suburban area residents in Ulaanbaatar and eight Regional Centers.
The objective of the support to Sustainable Implementation of the New Property Registration System was to improve the property registration services at the General Authority for State Registration (GASR). The work involved making a comprehensive improvement to the business processes of the system for property rights registration. This included archiving, human resources and accounting as well as supporting the IT infrastructure. As the GASR has been established relatively recently and has unified previously dispersed offices and processes, support focused on enabling effective integration of isolated staff and operations. The assignment involved creating a strategic vision and plan along with a supporting business plan, the strengthening of HR skills and creation of a customer service culture. The assignment also enabled the GASR to be sustainable both in terms of finances and operations. ORGUT provided TA in the areas of strategic planning, business analysis and planning of registration systems, land policy and registration, project management, land law, organisational management, change management, senior management development, finance, financial control, accountancy, management accounts and training.